Integration with django-guardian

Combining TranslatableAdmin with GuardedModelAdmin

To combine the TranslatableAdmin with the GuardedModelAdmin from django-guardian there are a few things to notice.

Depending on the order of inheritance, either the parler language tabs or guardian “Object permissions” button may not be visible anymore.

To fix this you’ll have to make sure both template parts are included in the page.

Both classes override the change_form_template value:

  • GuardedModelAdmin sets it to admin/guardian/model/change_form.html explicitly.
  • TranslatableAdmin sets it to admin/parler/change_form.html, but it inherits the original template that the admin would have auto-selected otherwise.

Using TranslatableAdmin as first class

When the TranslatableAdmin is the first inherited class:

class ProjectAdmin(TranslatableAdmin, GuardedModelAdmin):

You can create a template such as myapp/project/change_form.html which inherits the guardian template:

{% extends "admin/guardian/model/change_form.html" %}

Now, django-parler will load this template in admin/parler/change_form.html, so both the guardian and parler content is visible.

Using GuardedModelAdmin as first class

When the GuardedModelAdmin is the first inherited class:

class ProjectAdmin(TranslatableAdmin, GuardedModelAdmin):
    change_form_template = 'myapp/project/change_form.html'

The change_form_template needs to be set manually. It can either be set to admin/parler/change_form.html, or use a custom template that includes both bits:

{% extends "admin/guardian/model/change_form.html" %}

{# restore django-parler tabs #}
{% block field_sets %}
{% include "admin/parler/language_tabs.html" %}
{{ block.super }}
{% endblock %}